
Traffic accidents near me
Traffic accidents near me

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608N/S (Buckingham County) to Mohele Rd Dead End, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 08/08/22 at 9:38 AM until 09/29/22 at 5:00 PM due to maintenance activities. 683 (Saw Mill Rd) in the County of Buckingham from Deer Run Rd Rt. 683E (Buckingham County) at Saw Mill Rd View on Map Planned Event - WZ - Bridge - Bridge Substructure Repairs The north left shoulder and left lane are closed. 634N/S (Brunswick County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 03/22/22 at 8:00 AM until 10/01/22 at 6:00 PM due to bridge work. On US-1 (Boydton Plank Rd) in the County of Brunswick from Christanna Hwy VA-46N/S to Liberty Rd Rt. Planned Event - WZ - Construction - Resurfacing Operations The south through lanes are alternating closures. The north through lanes are alternating closures. 1105N/S (Alleghany County), motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 09/09/22 at 7:00 AM until 10/14/22 at 6:00 PM due to paving operations. 1106 (Enderley Rd) in the County of Alleghany from Dead End to Ridgewood Cir Rt. 1106N (Alleghany County) at Enderley Rd View on Map Planned Event - WZ - Maintenance - Litter Pickup Operations The south right shoulder is a mobile closure. The north right shoulder is a mobile closure. On I-195 in the City of Richmond from mile marker 0 to mile marker 3.5, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 09/11/22 at 9:00 AM until 09/11/22 at 6:00 PM due to roadside maintenance. Planned Event - WZ - Construction - Rehabilitation Project Activities GWMP NB Ramp to I495 SB in the County of Fairfax, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 09/02/22 at 12:00 PM until 12/31/22 at 12:00 AM due to construction activities. Planned Event - WZ - Construction - Bridge Replacement Activities The off ramp from US-301 South to I-95 South is a long term closure. Northbound US-301 traffic is being detoured onto the Exit 51 collector distributor road to I-95 South and BUS-460, then onto BUS-460, and back onto US-301 North. On US-301 (S Crater Rd) in the City of Petersburg from the ramp to I-95N to the ramp at Graham Rd and I-95S, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 05/23/22 at 7:00 PM until 11/30/22 at 7:00 PM due to bridge work. Planned Event - WZ - Roadside - Tree Trimming Operations On I-95 in the City of Richmond from mile marker 68.6 to mile marker 68.7, motorists can expect potential delays in this area from 09/09/22 at 9:00 AM until 09/09/22 at 4:00 PM due to roadside maintenance. I-95N from MM 68.6 to MM 68.7 View on Map

Traffic accidents near me